It’s Easy To Forget: You ARE Strong

You are stronger than you even know.

But when facing an obstacle, it’s easy to forget the strength we have. It’s easy to get lost in the discomfort of our obstacles, and to lose track of the accomplishments we have achieved. There are so many!  It’s easy to look at others who can do what we can’t and to think, ‘Maybe this isn’t where I’m meant to be.’ It’s easy to think of our failure as definite.


And the last thing we want to hear during hard times is the truth: that we can overcome. The last thing we want to know is that our struggles, our challenges, our months of sleepless nights will be just a fading memory, and that our failures are simply opportunity.


The last thing we want to believe is that, in this unpredictable life, there is direction. There is a plan.


Whether we believe that we control the plan or that a higher power guides our paths, there is structure to the chaos. And there is meaning in the struggle.


  • If we fail and choose to redirect our lives, there is a plan: to learn, to try, and to explore new options.
  • If we fail and keep trying, there, too, is a plan: to stay on the current track.
  • If one day, we wake up and realize that we are at peace, well then, for now, this is where we are meant to be.

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But how do we wade through the struggles to find the right path?

How do we choose to keep trying?


With three simple ingredients:

  1. Patience

The first time we try and fail, we may feel frustration. We may feel uneasy. We may want to get up, walk away, and reach for something we know can bring us success. We may, for a moment, want to stop trying.


We may lose our patience.


But your physician didn’t learn the anatomy of the human body in a single study session. Your contractor didn’t learn to frame a house in one hot afternoon. You didn’t learn to walk in a single jump to your feet.


Very few accomplishments in life come naturally. Certainly, the most rewarding accomplishments did not. In fact, we are a strange species, gaining the greatest reward from overcoming the hardest of obstacles.


And with patience, with time, with trying and trying and trying again, you may just find that you do have the strength and skill to overcome this obstacle you now face.


  1. Self-compassion

Oh, but the hardest challenge during a difficult time is to stay positive. And, more specifically, to stay positive about ourselves! We look to the person next to us and see that he is succeeding in half the time. We look to our self-prescribed expectations and wonder why we are falling short. We look to our momentary failures to define us.


And we have to stop!


Because our failures are temporary. And we are MOST DEFINITELY not our failures. We are the strength of trying again. We are the courage of still showing up. We are the compassion of accepting our current experiences and the bravery of asking for help.


If we imagine anyone else in our situation, we probably wouldn’t think any less of them. A child with dyslexia struggles to read; and, with nurturance and support, he doesn’t give up. An athlete with a fractured wrist struggles to return to the field, and with determination and courage (and six weeks of healing!), she puts herself back in the game.


Our situations are no different than that of the child or athlete. Our challenges are no cause for shame or self-ridicule. We may take more time. We may need some help. And we may find that our challenges and our determination to overcome are reason for even greater nurturance of ourselves and even prouder celebration of who we are and who we can become.


  1. Mindfulness

Most importantly, though, in the midst of a challenge, we have to remember to live one moment at a time.


And this can be so hard!


When we can’t accomplish task number one, we start to look ahead at tasks two, three, twenty-five, and we wonder how we will ever build up to that level. We consider the whole of our to-do lists and the demand of just this one obstacle, and we question whether we can handle everything that is on our plates.


We forget that, in this moment, we don’t have to handle everything on our plates.


Right now, all we have to do is this one thing before us. There is no moment ahead. There is nothing to carry forward from the moment past. Sure, eventually, another moment will come, and so will another item on our list of responsibilities. However, that next moment is no more important than the present. The past has no place intruding on today.


And the more we let the past and the future interfere, the less of the present we experience. That is simply not fair!


And it’s counterproductive. Because in a state of mindfulness, in a place of full attention to and appreciation of the present, we are at our strongest. We are investing the whole of our energy into this moment, and leaving the worry of the future and the pain of the past at the wayside.


With a mindful spirit, a patient demeanor, and an outlook of self-compassion, we are gifting ourselves the greatest opportunity of all: the potential for growth. And that growth is truly a sign of great strength.


© 2017 Mirissa D. Price: A Dental Student, A Writer, A Journey to Share.

Today, I Love Contemplating Patience

Today, I Love April 20, 2017

A meditation inspired by Kelly Babcock and
Today, I love cool mornings. I love the damp look in the air and moist splash of the grass. I love watching the coolness from the my bedroom window, my legs tucked under the embrace of a yellow throw. I love the warmth of my yellow throw, and how only just recently I realized how much love there is in this world. With every person reaching to embrace. And every inanimate object personified to care. I love watching my inanimate world care, the mug just kind enough to hold the warm tea.
Today, I love cupping my fingers across my blue mug. Damp with heat. And holding them there. I love knowing my mug isn’t patient. It has no timeline. But it’s practical, and realistic. I love watching realism startle my nostrils with steam. 
Today, I love contemplating patience. I love knowing that patience isn’t secrecy but tolerance – telling the truth, and holding it there. I love patiently holding the phone without words, just to say that “I miss you.” And I love that I can miss you, and go on. And I don’t have to even tell you; because you know. Today, I love how much you know. And I love how I still love you.

© 2017 Mirissa D. Price: A Dental Student, A Writer, A Journey to Share.

A Cup Of Mindful Tea

Go ahead.  Get comfortable. 

Pour your big mug of Good Earth tea and let the steam rise to fill each inhale.  Breathe in every tangy spice tinge to the charcoal-colored leaves.  Its glory.  Its strength.  Breathe it in.

Your legs might curl beneath your seat, cushioning your weight.  Or perhaps they fall, dangling to the ground.  Wherever they are, notice them.  Appreciate their presence.  If you are comfortable, close your eyes.  Or don’t.  It’s your choice.  Whatever feels safe.

And when you are ready, bring your attention back.  Eyes closed.  Or open.  To the steam rising from your mug.  Follow its path from the surface of the water to the tip of your noise.  Its moist kiss on your skin.  Feel it rising into your nostril and through your sinus.  Its flavor transforming into warmth.  And carry that warmth.  Through your mouth, across your cheeks.  Carry that warmth, to your neck and up to your forehead.  And when it reaches its limits, let the warmth sit there.  Let it embrace the skin nearby.  Let it tickle your pores. 

And let it start to fade.  One second at a time.  The warmth only staying for so long, giving way to the crisp freshness of the evening.  Giving way to the opening of your eyes. 

And before leaving this page, go ahead and smile.  Pat yourself on the back.  From me, to you.  Go ahead and rejoice because you have just found tranquility in the moment.  You have just let the rest of time fade away.


Now why would I walk you through such a (dare I say) ‘hokey-pokey exercise?!’  Because, first off, who doesn’t benefit from a little added mindfulness?!  At the end of a long day, at the start of a busy week, at the commercial break of a heart-pounding episode of Grey’s Anatomy, who wouldn’t gain from the tranquility of imagery – the tea optional.

But, in full honesty, why did I ask you to join me in this exercise?  Because I was tired of being patient.  It’s hard, right?!  After pressing send on so many query letters to literary agents, I was – within seconds – restless.  I was tired of playing the waiting game and ready to see the future or edit the past (because, of course, the minute you press send, you start to imagine how you could have done things differently).  I was tired of patience, and I wasn’t getting anywhere with the cliché that ‘patience is a virtue.’  Sure, patience is great, but between you and me, patience can be HARD!

So, in an attempt at patience, I opted for mindfulness.  If I can find my center in this moment, if I can open my eyes to this second of beauty, if I can open my mind to today’s world, maybe, just maybe I can stop thinking about yesterday’s loss and tomorrow’s concerns.

Maybe, with our big blue mugs of Good Earth tea and our curled legs beneath our bodies, the present is all we need.

© 2016 Mirissa D. Price: A Dental Student, A Writer, A Journey to Share.